Tag: Disease

Overview of Anal Fistula Anal Fistula is a severely abnormal complication caused due to the infection in the anal tunnel that runs from the inside to the anus or hole from which body excretes the waste. Generally, the body heals the infection on its own but anal fistula cannot be healed or recovered through medicines or […]
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Overview of Ebola Virus Ebola Virus is a life-threatening disease which has the fatality rate of above 90 percent as per the recent survey, however; it is very rare to get infected by the virus. It is scientifically known as Ebola Haemorrhagic Fever(EHF) which is native to Africa and other neighboring countries. EHF is highly contagious […]
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Piles home remedies Piles is an inflammation of tissues and vein in the anal canal which is generally painful bleeding, however; it depends upon the location and size of piles. Several factors can cause piles problems such as chronic constipation, diarrhea, pregnancy, and infection. Piles are scientifically known as Hemorrhoids and individuals suffering from this problem […]
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Overview of Chicken allergy Although Chicken is loaded with a high amount of nutrition that has numerous health benefits, however; few individuals have reported severe chicken allergy reactions after consuming chicken within a few minutes or hours. Recent studies suggest that even if you have touched the chicken but these are very mild symptoms that […]
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Overview of Cherry Allergy Cherry a wonder dressing ingredient for various delicacies, however; few individuals can have a cherry allergy and observe severe health problems after eating cherries. Cherries are scientifically known as Prunus Cerasus and belong to the Prunus family. Generally, cherries have three varieties red, purple, and yellow which is fleshy drupe with heart-shaped […]
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Overview of Birch Pollen allergy Have you observed allergy reaction in the specific months like mid march till end of April season then you can be prone to be affected by the Birch Pollen Allergy? Don’t panic and no need to cut down the birch tree from your neighborhood as studies has shown the positive […]
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