
Overview of Haritaki

Haritaki is an herbal product which is used for the treatment of numerous health problem and used since ages in various formulations. Scientifically it is known as Terminalia Chebula and is usually used as dried fruit of the tree. It is native to Asia but now it is being cultivated in some other areas of the globe as well. Haritaki is oval, sweet, sour, and green or blackish in color however, it depends upon the variety of Terminalia Chebula. It has shown tremendous results in Gastro-Intestinal disorder treatment within a few dosages however, it is recommended to consult a specialist for the advice. You can purchase it through the online or nearby store at a nominal cost. Keep it out of children reach and store it in a cool or dry place with no direct sunlight.

Health Benefits of Haritaki

Haritaki has numerous health benefits as reported in various studies. We have specified some of the best-reported health benefits underneath:

  • Constipation – Haitaki contains the natural properties of laxative which can reduce the constipation problem within few dosages. It acts as a tonic in the colon to flush out the compacted waste and stimulate the enzymes in the intestine for overall health
  • Hair Loss – Terminalia Chebula can do wonders in preventing the hair loss due to the natural compounds of nourishing and strengthening the hair follicles. It is recommended to add 1/2tsp of haritaki powder in 5ml of coconut oil then massage the scalp with the mixture in a circular motion to absorb the oil completely
  • Skin – The primary reason for skin problem is due to the damaged or dead skin cell because of several factors which lead to acne, blemishes, and pimples however, Terminalia can be used to cleanse the skin cells and outer layer, rejuvenate the damaged or dead cells, and nourish the pores with natural tonic to have glowing skin
  • Diabetic – Recent studies have shown the positive results in reducing the blood glucose level and stabilizing the Diabetes level to normal however, it is recommended to consult a specialist for the advice before using it to avoid any complication
  • Boost Immunity – It has natural properties of boosting immunity level and strengthening the overall system to prevent the attack from the free radicals naturally
  • Cold and Flu – A natural remedy used since ages to cure a cold and flu due to the natural properties of soothing the sore throat and reducing the mucus production.  You can use Haritaki mixed in honey for best results
  • Acid Reflux – It contains the high amount of antioxidant properties which relieve the excess the production of accumulated acid in the stomach and reduce the acid reflux problem drastically but you should begin with a small portion of dosage to avoid any complication or reaction in the body
  • Detoxification – Terminalia contains the natural properties of detoxifier which can help in flushing out the excess acid and other harmful chemicals in the body which can prevent several health problems due to excess toxification

Other commonly reported health benefits have been specified underneath:

  • Alleviate the functioning of the heart
  • Improve the lung function and strengthen the muscles to prevent any damage in the lung
  • You can use it to reduce the mouth ulcers
  • It can reduce the dandruff level if used with amla oil
  • Boost the absorption of nutrients in the body especially in the intestine

Side effects of Haritaki

Haritaki is safe and well tolerated by the individual however. few studies suggest the severe side effect of excess or overdosage and intolerance to Haritaki compounds. We have specified the commonly reported side effects underneath:

  • Indigestion
  • Constipation
  • Vomiting or Nausea
  • Low Libido
  • Burning Sensation
  • Acid Reflux
  • Itching
  • Skin Rashes
  • Palpitation

Other side effects have been specified underneath:

  • It is not recommended to use with Alcohol as it can lead to severe discomfort if consumed
  • The pregnant and breastfeeding woman should not use Haritaki to avoid any complication
  •  You should not use in convalescence phase

**It is recommended to discontinue the use of Haritaki if you observe any of the above-mentioned symptoms.

Dosage of Haritaki

Haritaki dosage depends upon several factors such as weight, height, age, gender, and severity of the problem however, we have specified the general dosage underneath:

  • 1/2 tsp of the powder
  • Mix it in a lukewarm water
  • After 45minutes of meal

Note: Maximum allowed dosage is 2 tsp in a day.

Buy Haritaki

To buy Haritaki click on the link mentioned below:
Herb Essential Pure Haritaki Powder, 100g
Disclaimer: Nothing in this article is to be construed as medical advice, nor it is intended to replace the recommendations of a medical professional. For specific questions, please consult a specialist for the advice.

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