Overview of Tentex Royal
Are you fed up of using Viagra or other medication to improve libido and erectile dysfunction? We recommend Tentex Royal which is being promoted as a natural supplement to enhance the libido and cure erectile dysfunction caused by varied underlying causes including diabetes mellitus, cardiovascular diseases, or endothelial dysfunction. Recent studies have proven that tentex royal is an aphrodisiac phytopharmaceutical medicine with natural ingredient. The absence of any artificial chemical makes it a unique composition of curing sexual problems within a specific time and dosage (Note: It depends upon the severity of the problem for the result). Himalaya pharmacy is the known manufacturer of Tentex Royal capsule.
Composition of Tentex Royal
Tentex Royal is a combination of natural herbs to enhance DHEA (dehydroepiandrosterone) production, increasing nitric oxide level in the body, and increasing sperm count naturally. We have specified the composition of Tentex royal underneath:
Ingredient | Quantity (in each tablet) |
Powders | |
Kokilaksha – Asteracantha Longifolia | 145 mg |
Vatada – Prunus Amygdalus | 126 mg |
Sunishannaka – Blepharis Edulis | 115 mg |
Kesar (Saffron) – Crocus Sativus | 14 mg |
Extracts | |
Gokshura – Tribulus Terrestris | 100 mg |
Processed in | |
Musli – Curculigo Orchioides | Quantity Standard |
Nagavalli – Piper Betle | Quantity Standard |
Benefits of Tentex Royal
You can get permanent cure from the low libido and erectile dysfunction ailment by using Tentex Royal as it helps in improving the blood circulation, especially in the genital area by providing the optimum level of nitric oxide in the body. You can increase the DHEA production responsible for curing the erectile dysfunction by dilating penile arteries which, in turn, stimulates erection as it contains the Gokshura which is loaded with protodioscin key element which gets converted into DHEA. You can actually get a much harder, stronger, and sustained erection by using it. Musli present in the composition helps in increasing the testosterone level naturally for better performance and healthy sperm count. Crocus Sativus helps in reducing the stress and anxiety level by relaxing the brain cells to enhance sexual performance naturally.
Also Read:- Himalaya Tentex Forte – a key contributor of poor sexual performance.
Side Effects of Tentex Royal
Tentex Royal is not known to have any side effects if taken under the supervision of a specialist. Studies have not proven any side effect of the herbs present in it, however; overdosage or intolerance to any of the key ingredients can lead to a severe health problem and we have specified some reported side effects underneath:
- Dizziness
- Sweating
- Palpitation
- Numbness
- Burning sensation
- Loss of appetite
- Sexual displeasure
Overdose can stimulate many problems or hypersensitivity to the herb can cause side effects on health so it is strictly recommended to use Tentex Royal under expert supervision.
Dosage of Tentex Royal
You should not use it without any specialist advice as its dosage depends upon the severity of the problem. Besides that we have specified the general dosage of Tentex Royal underneath:
Adults | 2 Capsules |
You should take the medicine 1 hour before bedtime and preferably with warm milk. It is recommended to use it for 6 – 12 weeks continuously without any interruption or break for best results.
For how much time should I use Tentex Royal to cure my sexual problem?
Generally, it is advised to use the medicine for 45 – 60 days regularly however, you should consult a specialist for the advice and dosage as it depends upon the severity of the problem.
Can I use it for sexual pleasure?
No, it is not recommended to use it for sexual pleasure and self-medication is strictly discouraged due to the composition of high-quality ingredients.
What is the best time to consume Tentex Royal?
You can consume 1 capsule in the morning and evening for best results.
Should I take the medicine empty stomach?
No, it is recommended to consume after meals to avoid any health-related complications.
Can I take Tentex Royal with milk?
Yes, you can take the medicine with milk or lukewarm water as prescribed by the specialist.
Can I discontinue other medicines to observe the results of Tentex Royal?
You should consult a specialist for the advice as sudden discontinue of the medicine can lead to adverse side effects as reported in the studies.
How much does it cost?
Himalaya Tentex Royal can be purchased at a nominal cost of INR 130 and USD 10.
Where should I buy Tentex Royal?
You can easily purchase it through the online or nearby market.
Can I use it after expiry?
No, it is recommended to use the medicine after expiry as it can be dangerous to consume it post-expiry.
Disclaimer: Nothing in this article is to be construed as medical advice, nor it is intended to replace the recommendations of a medical professional. For specific questions, please consult a specialist for advice.
Buy Tentex Royal
Follow this link to buy Tentex Royal at a nominal cost:
Moses Kariuki
Can I get it here in nakuru
#Editorial Team
You can check with the nearest pharmacy store or online market to purchase the Himalaya Tentex Royal.
Can I use it regularly without any sexual intercourse for the 12 weeks……
#Editorial Team
Hi Bimesh, can you please elaborate the reason for the use of medicine.
#rahul katyal
is it cure Eractile Dysfunction????
#Editorial Team
Can you elaborate the reason for the erectile dysfunction problem, however; Tentex royal can be used for the ED problem but you should consult a specialist for the advice before using it.
#Bish Thapa
Hi There,
Which time in the morning should we take it?? i started to take it from today,.
When I m in sex it’s only take only 2/3 minutes..at last one year… What’s my problem?? .. Can I eat tentex royal?? How long have to need it..?? I have also high blood pressure… Please inform me
#Editorial Team
Have you consulted any specialist because it seems to be an ED problem which needs medical supervision.
this medicine can take an unmarried person. I am 22 years old I have sex timing is very low.
#MD Nafis
When I do sex my sperm falls within 2 or 3 seconds…and myself and my wife both are not satisfied with this problem…is it ok to take tentex royal or tentex forte..or is there any different method to stop this problem.. please help me…
#Editorial Team
It seems to be an ED problem and you should consult a specialist for the advice.
#My sexual life is really short and It takes only 2 minutes to come and my wife is not satisfied to that. Can I use “Tentex Royal” to treat myself ?
Editorial Team
Can you elaborate on the problem as it seems to be an ED problem?
I have taken just 1 item (1 pill) of Tentex Royal after te expiration date. Plese tell me in details what are the dangerous consequences for me ?
#Editorial Team
It is recommended to discard the medicine after expiry, however; if you have mistakenly consumed the medicine then don’t panic as it can have a mild side effect which can be cured under medical supervision. Have you observed any abnormal changes after using it?
Please detail me what kind “mild side effect ” are you reffering to ?
#And what do you exactly mean by the fact that “can be cured under medical supervision”.
And yes, i have observed changes in my behaviour.
Editorial Team
We recommend you to consult a specialist for diagnosing the problem and treatment if you have observed any abnormal changes after using the expired medicine.
#CAn I use this rented royal…because doctor recommended this only for my active motile is 10%…can I continue this also …intercourse with my wife…is any issue…
Editorial Team
It is not recommended to exceed the dosage as it can be harmful with a severe health problem.