Overview of Tricep Training
The Tricep is the large muscle mass than the biceps, and it needs training from more angles. Tricep training will make your arms look big, massive, and impressive even if it is not flexed.
The triceps brachii is a substantial, three-headed muscle of the upper arm, comprising of the long head which begins at the infraglenoid tubercle of the scapula. From that point, it courses between the teres major and teres minor and partitions the axillary space into two parts, average head which has its cause at the dorsal humerus distally from the outspread sulcus. Its’ strands are associated with the average intermuscular septum and parallel head which starts at the dorsal humerus proximally from the outspread sulcus where it is settled to the horizontal intermuscular septum.
Tricep Training Technique
We have specified the 7 best Tricep training techniques to develop muscle mass and shape underneath:
Tricep Cable Pressdown
The purpose of this technique is to do tricep training through a full range of motion.
How to do it: Hook a short bar to an overhead cable and pulley, stand close to the bar and grasp it with an overhand grip, hands about inches apart. Keep your elbows locked in close to your body and stationary. Keep your whole body steady, don’t lean forward to press down with your body weight. Press the bar down as far as possible, locking out your arms and feeling it contract fully. Release and let the bar come up as far as possible without moving your elbows.
One Arm/Both Arm Cable Reverse Pressdown
The purpose is to isolate the triceps and develop the horseshoe shape of the muscle.
How to do it: Using an overhead cable and pulley, take hold of the handle with a reverse grip, palm up. Keeping your elbow fixed and unmoving, straighten your arm until it is locked out and extended straight down. Flex the triceps in this position for extra contraction. Still not moving the elbow, let your hand come up as far as possible until the forearm approaches the biceps, feeling a complete stretch in the triceps.
Seated Triceps Presses
The purpose is to hit all three heads, especially the long head.
How to do it: Grasp a barbell with an overhand grip, hands close together. Sit on a bench and raise the bar straight up overhead, arms locked out. Keeping your elbows stationary and close to your head, lower the weight down in an arc behind your head until your triceps areas stretched as possible. Only the forearms should move in this exercise. From this position, using only your triceps, press the weight back up overhead to full extension. Lock your arms out and flex your triceps. For variation, you can consider using the E-Z bar or on an incline bench.
Standing Triceps Presses
The purpose is to develop a full sweep of the triceps.
How to do it: Grip a straight or E-Z curl bar with an overhand grip, hands about 10 inches apart. Stand upright and hold the bar extended straight overhead. Keeping your elbows stationary and close to your head, lower the weight down behind your head as far as possible, then press it back up to the starting position through a semicircular arc.
Lying Triceps Extension
The purpose is to work the triceps all the way from the elbow down to the lats.
How to do it: Lie along a bench, your head just off the end with knees bent and feet flat on the bench. Take hold of a barbell with an overhand grip, hands about 10 inches apart. Press the weight up until your arms are locked out, but not straight up over your face. Instead, the weight should be back behind the top of your head, with your triceps doing the work of holding it there. Keeping your elbows stationary, lower the weight down past your forehead, then press it back up to the starting position, stopping short of the vertical to keep the triceps under constant tension.
Lying Dumbbell Extensions
The purpose is to work whole muscle altogether.
How to do it: Lie on the bench, head even with the end, knees bent, feet flat on the bench. Hold one dumbbell in each handover-head, arms straight, palm facing each other. Hold your elbows stationary and lower the dumbbells down on either side of your head until your triceps are fully stretched and the weights almost touch your shoulders. Press them back up through a sweeping arc, but look your elbows out before your arms are pointed straight up overhead and flex your triceps.
Dumbbell Kickbacks
The purpose is to develop the triceps, especially the upper area.
How to do it: Stand with knees, one foot in front of the other, putting one hand on a low bench for balance. Take a dumbbell in the opposite hand, bend your arm and raise your elbow back and up to about shoulder height, elbow close to your side and letting the dumbbell hang straight down below it. Keeping your elbow stationary, press weight back until your forearms are about parallel to the floor. Hold here for a moment and give the triceps an extra flex, then slowly come back to the starting position.
Benefits of Tricep Training
Tricep muscle training has numerous benefits and we have specified some of the reported benefits underneath:
- Tricep muscle helps in stabilizing the shoulder joints
- You can improve flexibility and momentum of the elbow joint
- Performance in sports such as swimming, tennis, volleyball, and basketball can be enhanced by well-developed Tricep muscles
Precautions/Mistakes of Tricep Training
It is important to take precautions and avoid mistakes while training Tricep muscles. We have specified some of the common mistakes and precautions underneath:
- At the beginner level, it is important to follow basic training technique as you don’t have flexibility and strength in the muscle to train with variations
- Do not lean forward while training tricep muscles
- It is recommended to avoid painkillers to relieve the muscle pain