Overview of Surya Namaskar
Life exists on Earth due to the light of Sun and we should express gratitude to the Mother Nature by doing Surya Namaskar also known as Sun Salutation. It comprises of 12 poses of yoga which has shown tremendous benefits on mind and soul. Surya Namaskar is recommended to be done early morning on an empty stomach. Surya Namaskar should be done at least 12 rounds of 2 sets each side of the leg. Any place is suitable for Surya Namaskar but preferably it should be done facing the sun.
Benefits of Surya Namaskar
The movement of Surya Namaskar with controlled breathing, backbends, front bends, invigorating and calming postures provides numerous health benefits. Some of the known benefits have been specified underneath:
- Reducing Weight – If you want to shed extra pounds especially around belly then you should do Surya Namaskar as it helps in stretching abdominal muscles and improve cardiovascular functioning to burn calories.
- Strengthening Muscles – The movements involved in Surya Namaskar helps in strengthening muscles, joints, ligaments, and spinal muscles as it improves the flexibility and functioning of vital organs
- Skin – Surya Namaskar helps in regaining the natural glow of skin, reducing wrinkles, and acne caused by age as it improves the blood circulation in the body
- Digestive System – The movements done in Surya Namaskar helps in improving digestion by increasing the blood flow in it and also, helps in reducing bloating or gassy feeling as you stretch your abdominal muscles in the movement
- Insomnia – Surya Namaskar relaxes your mind which helps in improving sleep and overcome the insomnia ailment naturally
- Anxiety – The main reason behind anxiety is endocrine glands which can be normalized by Surya Namaskar as it calm and improve your nervous system functioning by calming it down
How to do Surya Namaskar
Surya Namaskar comprises 12 different poses to complete the yoga technique. Each one has been specified with instructions underneath:
- Pranamasana – Stand straight, balancing your weight equally on your feet, chest out, relaxing your shoulders, bring your palms together in front of the chest in prayer position. Most important exhale when standing in this posture
- Hasta Uttanasana – Stretch your whole body by lifting your arms up and back keeping the biceps close to the ear. You may push your pelvis forward and inhale while stretching your body
- Pada Hastasana – Breathing out, bend forward from the waist, keeping the spine erect. As you exhale completely, bring the hands down to the floor beside the feet.
- Ashwa Sanchalanasana – Push your left leg back as far as possible. Bend your right knee and place your arms next to your feet. You must inhale in this posture
- Parvatasana – Bring the whole body in a straight line by keeping your left leg back and inhale in this position
- Ashtanga Namaskara – Gently bring your knees down to the floor and exhale. Take the hips back slightly, slide forward, rest your chest and chin on the floor. Raise your posterior a little bit
- Bhujangasana – Now, slide your body forward. Raise your chest up in the Cobra Pose. Your elbows must be bent, and your shoulders must be placed away from the ears. Turn your gaze upwards
- Parvatasana – To get into an inverted V pose lift your hips and the tailbone up to bring the whole body and exhale once you get into the right posture
- Ashwa Sanchalanasana – Push your right leg back as far as possible. Bend your left knees and place your arms next to your feet
- Pada Hastasana – Keep the palms on the floor and bring the left foot forward. You should exhale when reaching the correct posture
- Hasta Uttanasana – Lift your arms up and back, making sure your biceps are close to your ears. Your effort through this pose must be to stretch your whole body, right from the heels to the tips of the fingers. You must inhale when reaching the correct posture
- Pranamasana – Stand straight, balancing your weight equally on your feet, chest out, relaxing your shoulders, bring your palms together in front of the chest in prayer position. Most important exhale when standing in this posture